REM-S Certification Program

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40 Hours of Comprehensive Training

Master the art of mediation tailored explicitly for real estate and mortgage

planning, emphasizing divorce.

Real-World Scenarios

Participants will see mediation demonstrations and participate in role-plays to

test and hone their skills and understanding of the mediator's unique role.

Expand Your Services

With mediation expertise, you'll be uniquely positioned to guide clients through

complex real estate decisions, offering comprehensive solutions and a more

holistic and compassionate approach.

ELEVATE | REM-S Coaching and Marketing

Join Elevate | REM-S Coaching and Marketing, a comprehensive program for

certified REM-S professionals. Gain monthly coaching, automated social

media, marketing resources, and CRM tools to grow your business and amplify

your impact in the divorce niche.

The REM-S Certification’s Hybrid

Learning Experience

The REM-S Certification isn't just another online course. It's a dynamic, immersive

experience to equip you with the practical skills and confidence needed to excel as a mediator

specializing in real estate and mortgage planning. Our hybrid approach seamlessly blends the

convenience of online learning with the power of real-world practice:

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