REM-S Certification Program

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Module One: Understanding Conflict: In this module, you will comprehensively understand

conflict and its role in mediation. You will explore the various sources and types of conflict,

learn to identify the stages of escalation, and master effective communication and de-

escalation techniques. This knowledge will empower you to create a safe and productive

environment for resolving disputes and guiding parties toward mutually agreeable solutions.

Module Two: Foundations of Mediation: This foundational module aims to provide REM-S™

candidates with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles, processes, and

mediation techniques. It emphasizes the mediator's role as a neutral facilitator and equips

participants with the essential skills to guide parties toward mutually agreeable solutions.

Module Three: Stages of Mediation: This module provides a comprehensive understanding of

the distinct stages involved in real estate mediation in divorce. Participants will explore the

step-by-step process, from initial contact to reaching a final agreement, emphasizing the

mediator's role and responsibilities at each stage. This structured approach ensures a well-

organized and effective mediation process, fostering productive communication and

collaborative problem-solving.

Module Four: Communication Skills in Mediation: This module develops essential

communication skills for effective real estate mediation in divorce cases. It emphasizes the

importance of active listening, empathetic understanding, and effective questioning to foster

productive dialogue and collaborative problem-solving.

Module Five: Conflict Resolution Techniques in Mediation: This module equips REM-S™

candidates with practical conflict resolution techniques for mediation in divorce cases. It

emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying causes of conflict, promoting

constructive communication, and facilitating collaborative problem-solving to reach mutually

satisfactory resolutions.

Module Six: Mediation in the Context of Divorce: This module focuses on the specific

challenges and opportunities of mediation within the emotionally charged context of divorce.

Participants will explore the unique dynamics of divorce mediation, emphasizing real estate

and property division. This module aims to equip REM-S™ candidates with the specialized

knowledge and skills to navigate divorce mediation's complexities effectively and


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