Upon successful completion of the learning objectives and passing score of the
final REM-S Final exam, you will have met the 40 hours of basic mediation skills
REM-S certification is valid for one year, requiring re-certification to include:
1 Hour of Continuing Education the Divorce Lending Association provides is required.
Annual Re-Certification Fee of $297
The REM-S course meets the commonly accepted standards and components of 40-hour basic
mediation skills training required by professional mediation organizations. Additionally, it
fulfills similar requirements mandated by many state and local mediation organizations for
basic mediation skills training. Individuals interested in family court mediation should consult
their state's guidelines regarding qualifications and training, which may include requirements
beyond standard mediation certification.
The REM-S Certification goes beyond simply acquiring knowledge. It's about transforming
your practice, expanding your professional network, and making a real difference in your
clients' lives. With our hybrid learning experience, you'll be empowered to navigate the
complexities of divorce real estate mediation with confidence and expertise.
Beyond the Classroom
Ready to Elevate Your Career?
Enroll in the REM-S Certification today and discover the power of hybrid
learning. Join us on this exciting journey as we expand and redefine the role of
CDLPs and other divorce professionals!